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Ear, Hearing Gallery
Download medical drawings of human ear and cochlea anatomy, auditory pathway and mechanism of hearing, middle ear infection.
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Ear anatomy, labeled diagram.
Human ear anatomy showing outer, middle and inner ear, eardrum, ossicles and cochlea, labeled drawing.
Ear anatomy, unlabeled diagram.
Human ear anatomy showing outer, middle and inner ear, eardrum, ossicles and cochlea, unlabeled drawing.
Middle ear infection, unlabeled diagram.
Otitis media diagram - infection of the middle ear, a common condition in children, unlabeled.
Middle ear infection, labeled diagram.
Otitis media diagram - infection of the middle ear, a common condition in children, labeled.
Outer ear infection, labeled diagram.
Illustration of Swimmer's ear - inflammation of outer ear canal.
Hearing mechanism, unlabeled diagram.
Diagram showing how sound waves are transmitted and converted into vibration along the basilar membrane, the cochlea is straightened to simplify.
Hearing mechanism, labeled diagram.
Diagram showing how sound waves are transmitted and converted into vibration along the basilar membrane, the cochlea is straightened to simplify.