Category Archives: Gastroenterology (digestive)

Protein Metabolism Overview, with Animation

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Proteins are responsible for nearly all bodily and cellular functions: from structural proteins in bones; contractile proteins in muscles; transport proteins in blood plasma; to hormones, antibodies, cell receptors, ion channels, and enzymes that catalyze almost every chemical reactions in biological systems. Proteins are polymers of amino-acids linked together by peptide bonds. An amino-acid consists of an amino group, a carboxyl group, and a unique side chain, connected to a central carbon, the α-carbon. Instead of being an extended chain of amino-acids, a protein usually folds into a three-dimensional conformation that is critical for its functions. The structure forms as a result of interactions between the side chains of amino-acids, and is thus dictated by the amino-acid sequence. Of the 20 amino-acids that make up proteins, nearly half are essential, meaning the body cannot synthesize them and must get them from the diet. Animal proteins are usually considered high-quality, complete proteins, because they have similar amino-acid composition as human proteins, and can thus provide all the required amino-acids, but a combination of a variety of plant foods may also do the job. Proteins in foods are digested in the stomach and small intestine, by the action of stomach acid, which denatures proteins, and several enzymes that hydrolyze peptide bonds. Together they break down proteins into individual amino acids, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to the liver. The liver uses these amino-acids to synthesize new proteins, most of which are plasma proteins. The liver also distributes free amino-acids to other tissues, for synthesis of tissue-specific proteins. Proteins are synthesized based on genetic information of the cell, using the genetic code, and regulatory signals. Each cell has a characteristic collection of proteins, specific to its functions. Body proteins are constantly renewed. Older proteins are broken down into free amino-acids, which are recycled, they combine with dietary amino-acids to make new proteins. Unlike carbohydrates and lipids, proteins cannot be stored for later use. Once the cellular requirement for proteins is met, excess amino-acids are degraded and used for energy, or converted into glucose or fatty acids. Use of amino-acids for energy production also occurs when there is energy shortage, such as during prolonged exercise or extended fasting. Since there are no nitrogenous compounds in the energy production pathways, the first step in amino-acid degradation is the removal of the amino group, by deamination or transamination, to produce keto-acids. Some amino-acids can be directly deaminated, while others must transfer their amino group to α-ketoglutarate to form glutamate, which is then deaminated to recycle α-ketoglutarate. Depending on their side chains, keto-acids from different amino-acids may enter the metabolic cycles at different points. They may be converted to pyruvate, acetyl-CoA, or one of the intermediates of the citric acid cycle. Some of these reactions are reversible. When amino-acids are in short supply, citric acid intermediates can be aminated to create new amino-acids for protein synthesis. Deamination produces ammonia, which is toxic if accumulated. The liver converts ammonia to urea to be excreted in urine. Extreme diets that are excessively high in proteins may overwhelm the kidneys with nitrogenous waste and cause renal damage.

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Lipid Metabolism, with Animation

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Although the term “lipid” includes several types of molecules, lipid metabolism usually refers to the breakdown and synthesis of fats. Fats are triglycerides, they are esters of glycerol and three fatty acids. Fats can come from the diet, from stores in adipose tissue, or can be synthesized from excess dietary carbohydrates in the liver.
Dietary fats are digested mainly in the small intestine, by the action of bile salts and pancreatic lipase. Bile salts emulsify fats. They act as a detergent, breaking large globules of fat into smaller micelles, making them more accessible to lipase. Pancreatic lipase then converts triglycerides into monoglycerides, free fatty acids, and glycerol. These products move into the cells of intestinal epithelium – the enterocytes, inside which they re-combine again to form triglycerides. Triglycerides are packaged along with cholesterol into large lipoprotein particles called chylomicrons. Lipoproteins enable transport of water-insoluble fats within aqueous environments. Chylomicrons leave the enterocytes, enter lymphatic capillaries, and eventually pass into the bloodstream, delivering fats to tissues. The walls of blood capillaries have a surface enzyme called lipoprotein lipase. This enzyme hydrolyzes triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol, enabling them to pass through the capillary wall into tissues, where they are oxidized for energy, or re-esterized for storage.
Fats that are synthesized endogenously in the liver are packed into another type of lipoprotein, the VLDL, to be transported to tissues, where triglycerides are extracted in the same way.
When required, fat stores in adipose tissue are mobilized for energy production, by the action of hormone-sensitive lipase, which responds to hormones such as epinephrine.
Lipid metabolism pathways are closely connected to those of carbohydrate metabolism. Glycerol is converted to a glycolysis intermediate, while fatty acids undergo beta-oxidation to generate acetyl-CoA. Each round of beta-oxidation removes 2 carbons from the fatty acid chain, releasing one acetyl-CoA, which can then be oxidized in the citric acid cycle. Beta-oxidation also produces several high-energy molecules which are fed directly to the electron transport system. Fats yield more energy per unit mass than carbohydrates.
When acetyl-CoA is produced in excess, it is diverted to create ketone bodies. During glucose starvation, ketone bodies are an important source of fuel, especially for the brain. However, ketone bodies are acidic, and when produced in excess, can overwhelm the buffering capacity of blood plasma, resulting in metabolic acidosis, which can lead to coma and death. Ketoacidosis is a serious complication of diabetes, in which cells must oxidize fats for fuel as they cannot utilize glucose. Extreme diets that are excessively low in carbohydrates and high in fat may also result in ketoacidosis.
On the other hand, diets that are high in carbohydrates generate excess acetyl-CoA that can be converted into fatty acids. Synthesis of fatty acids from acetyl-CoA is stimulated by citrate, a marker of energy abundance, and inhibited by excess of fatty acids. Fatty acids can be converted into triglycerides, for storage or synthesis of other lipids, by combining with glycerol derived from a glycolysis intermediate.

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Carbohydrate Structure and Metabolism, with Animation.

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Carbohydrates are biomolecules that consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms, usually in the ratio of 1:2:1. Carbohydrates play crucial roles in living organisms. Among other functions, they serve as major sources of energy, and structural components.
Carbohydrates are made of base units called monosaccharides. Monosaccharides consist of a carbon chain with a hydroxyl group attached to all carbons except one, which is double-bonded to an oxygen. This carbonyl group can be in any position along the chain, forming either a ketone or an aldehyde. Some monosaccharides share the same molecular formula, but are different in structure due to different positions of atoms. These seemingly small structural details result in completely different sugars, with different properties and metabolism pathways.
Monosaccharides exist in open-chain form and closed-ring form. The ring forms can connect to each other to create dimers, oligomers and polymers, producing disaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, respectively. Examples of disaccharides are sucrose, maltose, and lactose. Common polysaccharides include glycogen, starch and cellulose, all of which are polymers of glucose. Their differences arise from the bonds between monomers. Glycogen and starch serve as energy storage in animals and plants, respectively. Their monomers are bonded by alpha-linkages. Some monomers can make more than one connection, producing branches. Starch in food can be digested by breaking these bonds, with the enzyme amylase.
Cellulose, the major structural component of plants, consists of unbranched chains of glucose bonded by beta-linkages, for which humans lack the enzyme to digest. Cellulose and other non-digestible carbohydrates in food do not supply energy, but are an important part of human diet, known as dietary fibers. Fibers help slow digestion, add bulk to stool to prevent constipation, reduce food intake, and may help lower risk of heart diseases.
During digestion, digestible carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars. Digestion of starch starts with amylase in the saliva and continues in the small intestine by other enzymes. Sucrose and lactose are hydrolyzed by their respective intestinal enzymes. Simple sugars are then absorbed through the intestinal wall and transported in the bloodstream to tissues, for consumption or storage.
Foods rich in simple sugars deliver glucose to the blood quickly, and can be helpful in case of hypoglycemia, but regular diets of simple sugars produce high spikes of glucose and may promote insulin insensitivity and diabetes. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest and release simple sugars. Eating complex carbohydrates helps dampen the spikes of blood glucose and reduce diabetes risk.
Glucose is central to cellular energy production. Cells break down glucose when energy reserves are low. Glucose that is not immediately used is stored as glycogen in liver and muscles. Glycogen is converted back to glucose when glucose is in short supply.
Energy production from glucose starts with glycolysis, which breaks glucose into 2 molecules of pyruvate, releasing a small amount of energy. Glycolysis involves multiple reactions and is tightly regulated by feedback mechanism.
In the absence of oxygen, such as in the muscles during exercise, pyruvate is converted into lactate. This anaerobic pathway produces no additional energy, but it regenerates NAD+, which is required for glycolysis to continue.
When oxygen is present, pyruvate is further degraded to form acetyl-CoA. Significant amounts of energy can be extracted from oxidation of acetyl-CoA to carbon dioxide, by the citric acid cycle and the following electron transport system. When present in excess, acetyl-CoA is converted into fatty acids. Reversely, fatty acids can breakdown to generate acetyl-CoA during glucose starvation.
When blood sugar level is low and glycogen is depleted, new glucose can be synthesized from lactate, pyruvate, and some amino-acids, in a process called gluconeogenesis, which is almost the reverse of glycolysis.
Metabolism of other simple sugars converges with the glycolytic pathway at different points. For example, fructose feeds into the pathway at the level of 3-carbon intermediate, and thus bypasses several regulatory steps. Fructose entrance to glycolysis is therefore unregulated, unlike glucose. This means production of acetyl‐CoA from fructose, and its subsequent conversion to fats, can occur unchecked, without regulation by insulin.

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Dumping syndrome: pathology, types, treatment, with animation

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Dumping syndrome is a very common complication following gastric and esophageal surgeries.

Also known as rapid gastric emptying, dumping syndrome is a condition in which undigested food moves too quickly from the stomach to the small intestine. In other words, food gets “dumped” into the intestine before being properly digested. This happens because the valve that separates the stomach and the small intestine, called the pyloric sphincter, was either removed or damaged in the surgery.

There are 2 forms of the disease, based on when symptoms occur: early or late.

  • Early dumping happens between 10 to 30 minutes after a meal. Symptoms arise as the rapid dumping of the undigested, concentrated food mass triggers the body to move fluid from the bloodstream into the intestine, in an attempt to dilute the food. The resulting distended intestine produces bloated feeling, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. This shift of fluid, when excessive, may also significantly reduce blood volume, causing rapid heart rates, dizziness, lightheadedness or even fainting.
  • Late dumping symptoms occur within 1 to 3 hours after eating. At this point, the rapid increase in sugar absorption triggers the pancreas to produce more insulin, in an attempt to prevent too high levels of blood glucose. However, it may overreact and produce too much insulin, causing instead too low blood glucose levels, or hypoglycemia, which may manifest as weakness, sweating, confusion, and tremors.

Increase in gastrointestinal hormones is also observed and thought to contribute to both early and late symptoms.

Symptoms are often more severe after meals that are high in simple carbohydrates, such as table sugar.

Most cases of dumping syndrome can be successfully managed with diet changes. These include:

– Eating smaller meals throughout the day

– Avoiding foods with high simple-sugar content

– Choosing foods that are rich in proteins, fibers and complex carbohydrates

– Delaying liquid intake until at least 30 minutes after a meal

– Adding thickening agents to increase food consistency

If these fail, medications that slow down gastric emptying or inhibit insulin release may be prescribed. Tube feeding that bypasses the upper digestive tract, or corrective surgery such as reconstruction of the pyloric sphincter, maybe performed as a last resort.

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Portal Venous System, with Animation

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In the common setup of the circulatory system, oxygenated blood from the heart flows through arteries to capillaries – the smallest blood vessels where nutrient and gas exchange takes place. A network of capillaries that nourish an area is called a capillary bed. Blood from capillary beds, now deoxygenated, drains into veins to return to the heart.

A portal venous system is a deviation from this configuration. It occurs when a capillary bed drains into another capillary bed before going back to the heart. It’s a venous system because the vessels that connect the 2 capillary beds are veins: they contain deoxygenated blood.

With this arrangement, a portal system allows direct transportation of substances from one organ to another without spreading them all over the body. An example is the hypophyseal portal system, which connects the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Hormones produced by the hypothalamus are secreted into the portal system to reach the anterior pituitary, where they regulate production of pituitary hormones. But the better known portal system is perhaps the one that involves the liver. In fact, when not specified otherwise, the term “portal system” usually refers to the hepatic portal system.

In the hepatic portal system, venous drainage from most of the gastrointestinal tract, plus the spleen and pancreas, pools into the portal vein to reach the liver, before returning to the heart. This way, all substances absorbed through the GI tract, including nutrients, toxins and pathogens, are first processed in the liver before they can reach the general circulation. The liver acts like a gatekeeper to the body, it serves 2 major functions in this context.

First, the liver processes the nutrients and regulates the amount of nutrients that can enter the blood. For example, after a meal, when glucose spikes from digestion of carbs, the liver converts excess glucose into glycogen for storage. When the body is fasting, glycogen is converted back to glucose to be released to the blood. In other words, the liver controls the balance of blood sugar, preventing excessive fluctuations.

The free amino acids resulting from protein digestion are also processed in the liver, where they are synthesized into new proteins and pro-enzymes.  Excess free amino acids, which can be harmful, are converted to other forms of energy storage, or broken down to urea to be removed in waste. This brings us to the second function of the liver as a detoxification organ. The liver screens the blood for potentially toxic substances and pathogens, and removes them before they can reach the rest of the body. It can, for example, remove alcohol and drugs from the blood.

An important pharmacological implication of liver functions is that most medicines administered orally are metabolized in the liver, and may become deactivated, before reaching the general circulation and target organs. This is known as the first pass effect. For this reason, some medicines must be taken via other routes to bypass liver metabolism. On the other hand, some drugs are specifically designed as pro-drugs and must be taken orally, as they require conversion in the liver to become functional.

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Colon Cancer Pathology, Cause, Screening and Risk Factors, with Animation

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Colon cancer, commonly grouped together with colorectal cancer, is cancer of the large intestine – the final portion of the digestive tract. It is the most common of all gastrointestinal cancers.

Colon cancer usually starts from a small growth called a polyp. Polyps are very common, but most polyps do NOT become cancers. Polyps can be of various types, some of which are more likely to develop into malignant tumors than others.

Early-stage colon cancer generally produces NO symptoms. Advanced-stage symptoms VARY depending on the location of the tumor, and may include: changes in bowel habits that PERSIST for weeks; blood in stool; abdominal pain and discomfort; constant feeling that the bowel doesn’t empty completely; fatigue; and unexplained weight loss.

Early detection is the key to prevent colon cancer. Because a pre-cancerous polyp usually takes YEARS to develop into a malignant tumor, colon cancer can be effectively prevented with regular screening. There are 2 major types of screening tests:

– Stool-based tests: stool samples are examined for signs of cancer, such as blood and mutated DNA. These tests are NON-invasive but LESS effective and need to be done more often.

– Visual screening, such as colonoscopy, is more reliable and can be done every 5 or 10 years. Colonoscopy uses a long, flexible tube equipped with a camera and light, to view the entire colon. If polyps or abnormal structures are found, surgical tools are passed through the tube to remove polyps or take tissue samples for analysis. Typically, any polyps found in the colon are removed during colonoscopy and examined for pre-cancerous changes, known as dysplasia. If high-grade dysplasia is detected, a follow-up colonoscopy is required to monitor the condition.

Colorectal cancers are caused by mutations that increase the rate of cellular division. Some of these mutations can be INHERITED from parents. Examples of inherited colorectal cancers include:

– Familial adenomatous polyposis, or FAP: a condition caused by mutations in the APC gene. The APC protein acts as a tumor suppressor, keeping cells from growing and dividing too fast. Mutations in APC result in uncontrolled cell division, causing HUNDREDS of polyps to grow in the colon. FAP patients usually develop colon cancer by the age of 40.

– Lynch syndrome: another inherited condition caused by changes in genes that normally help repair DNA damages. A faulty DNA repair results in increased rate of mutations. Patients are at high risks of colorectal cancer as well as other types of cancers.

In most cases, however, the mutations that lead to cancer are ACQUIRED during a person’s life rather than being inherited. The early event is usually a mutation in the same APC gene that is responsible for FAP. While FAP is a rare condition, APC mutations are very common in sporadic colorectal cancers.

Apart from genetic predisposition, other risks factors for colon cancer include: aging, high-red meat and low-fiber diets, obesity, alcohol use, smoking, diabetes, and inflammatory intestinal conditions, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

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The Digestive System, with Animation.

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The digestive system is composed of 2 main components: the gastrointestinal tract, or GI tract, where digestion and absorption take place; and accessory organs which secrete various fluids/enzymes to help with digestion. The GI tract is a continuous chain of hollow organs where food enters at one end and waste gets out from the other. These organs are lined with layers of smooth muscles whose rhythmic contractions generate waves of movement along their walls, known as peristalsis. Peristalsis is the force that propels food down the tract.
Digestion is the process of breaking down food into smaller, simpler components, so they can be absorbed by the body. Basically, carbohydrates such as sugars and starch are broken down into glucose, proteins into amino acids, and fat molecules into fatty acids and glycerol.
Digestion starts in the oral cavity where the food is moistened with saliva and chewed, food bolus is formed to facilitate swallowing. Saliva is secreted by the salivary glands and contains the enzyme amylase, which breaks down starch into maltose and dextrin that can be further processed in the small intestine. Saliva also contains salivary lipase, which starts the process of fat digestion.
The food bolus is propelled down the esophagus by peristalsis into the stomach, the major organ of the GI tract. The stomach produces gastric juice containing pepsin- a protease, and hydrochloric acid which act to digest proteins. At the same time, mechanical churning is performed by muscular contraction of the stomach wall. The result is the formation of chyme – a semi-liquid mass of partially digested food. Chyme is stored in the stomach and is slowly released into the first part of the small intestine – the duodenum. The duodenum receives the following digestive enzymes from accessory organs:
Bile, produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder; bile emulsifies fats and makes it easier for lipase to break them down.
Pancreatic juice from the pancreas. This mixture contains proteases, lipases and amylase and plays major role in digestion of proteins and fats.
The small intestine also produces its own enzymes: peptidases, sucrase, lactase, and maltase. Intestinal enzymes contribute mainly to the hydrolysis of polysaccharides.
The small intestine is where most of digestion and absorption take place. The walls of the small intestine absorb the digested nutrients into the bloodstream, which in turn delivers them to the rest of the body. In the small intestine, the chyme moves more slowly allowing time for thorough digestion and absorption. This is made possible by segmentation contractions of the circular muscles in the intestinal walls. Segmentation contractions move chyme in both directions. This allows a better mixing with digestive juices and a longer contact time with the intestinal walls.
The large intestine converts digested left-over into feces. It absorbs water and any remaining nutrients. The bacteria of the colon, known as gut flora, can break down substances in the chyme that are not digestible by the human digestive system. Bacterial fermentation produces various vitamins that are absorbed through the walls of the colon. The semi-solid fecal matter is then stored in the rectum until it can be pushed out from the body during a bowel movement.

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Deglutição, Fases e Visão Geral do Controle Neural, com Animação.

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A deglutição é o processo pelo qual os alimentos passam da boca para o esôfago, através da faringe. Pode parecer simples para as pessoas saudáveis, no entanto, a deglutição é um processo muito complexo que requer uma coordenação extremamente precisa com a respiração, já que ambos os processos compartilham a mesma entrada – a faringe. Falha nessa coordenação resultaria em asfixia ou aspiração pulmonar.
A deglutição envolve mais de vinte músculos da boca, garganta e esôfago, que são controlados por diversas áreas corticais no cérebro e pelo centro da deglutição, localizado no tronco cerebral. O encéfalo se comunica com os músculos através de vários nervos cranianos.
A deglutição consiste em três fases:
1. Fase oral ou bucal: esta é a parte voluntária da deglutição. A comida é humedecida com a saliva e mastigada, formando o bolo alimentar, que é empurrado pela língua para a parte posterior da garganta – a faringe. Este processo está sob controle neural de várias áreas do córtex cerebral, incluindo o córtex motor.
2. A Fase faríngea começa com a estimulação dos receptores tácteis na orofaringe pelo bolo alimentar. O reflexo da deglutição é iniciado e está sob controle neuromuscular involuntário. As seguintes ações ocorrem para assegurar a passagem de comida ou bebida para o esôfago:
– A língua bloqueia a cavidade oral para evitar que a comida retorne para a boca.
– O palato mole bloqueia a entrada para a cavidade nasal.
– As pregas vocais se fecham para proteger as vias aéreas.
– A laringe é puxada para cima e ocorre a inclinação da epiglote, fechando a entrada da traqueia. Este é a etapa mais importante, pois, a passagem de alimentos para os pulmões pode ser potencialmente fatal.
– O esfíncter superior do esôfago se abre para permitir a passagem para o esôfago.
3. Fase esofágica: o bolo alimentar é impulsionado para o esôfago pelos movimentos peristálticos – ondas de contração muscular que empurram o bolo alimentar pera frente. A laringe se move para baixo, retornando à posição inicial.

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Le Réflexe de Déglutition, Phases et Contrôle Neuronal, avec Animation.

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L’action d’avaler, ou la déglutition, est le processus par lequel les aliments passent de la bouche dans le pharynx puis dans l’œsophage. Aussi simple que cela puisse paraître pour les personnes en bonne santé, la déglutition est en fait une action très complexe qui nécessite une coordination extrêmement précise avec la respiration puisque ces deux processus partagent la même entrée – le pharynx. L’absence de coordination se traduirait par l’étouffement ou les fausses routes. La déglutition implique plus de vingt muscles de la bouche, de la gorge et de l’oesophage qui sont contrôlés par plusieurs aires corticales et par les centres de déglutition dans le tronc cérébral. Le cerveau communique avec les muscles à travers plusieurs nerfs crâniens.
La déglutition se compose de trois phases:
1. Phase orale ou buccale: ceci est la partie volontaire de déglutition, la nourriture est humidifiée avec de la salive et mâchée, bol alimentaire est formé et la langue le propulse à l’arrière de la gorge – le pharynx. Ce processus est sous contrôle neuronal de plusieurs aires du cortex cérébral, y compris le cortex moteur.
2. Phase pharyngée commence par la stimulation des récepteurs tactiles dans l’oropharynx par le bol alimentaire. Le réflexe de déglutition est déclenché et est sous contrôle neuromusculaire involontaire. Les mesures suivantes sont prises pour assurer le passage de la nourriture ou des boissons dans l’œsophage:
– La langue ferme la cavité buccale pour empêcher les aliments de revenir à la bouche.
– Le palais mou couvre la cavité nasale pour éviter que les aliments remontent dans le nez.
– Les cordes vocales se resserrent et bouchent les voies aériennes. L’élévation du larynx se traduit par l’abaissement de l’épiglotte et cela couvre le passage vers la trachée. Ceci est l’étape la plus importante car l’entrée de la nourriture ou des boissons dans les poumons peut être potentiellement mortelle.
– Le sphincter oesophagien supérieur s’ouvre pour permettre le passage à l’oesophage.
3. Phase oesophagienne: bol alimentaire est propulsé dans l’œsophage par péristaltisme – des ondes de contraction musculaire qui poussent le bol jusqu’à l’estomac. Le larynx descend à sa position initiale.

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Reflejo de la Deglución, Fases y Descripción General del Control Neural, con Animación.

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Tragar, o deglución, es el proceso mediante el cual la comida pasa desde la boca, a través de la faringe y hacia el esófago. Tan simple como podría parecer a las personas sanas, la deglución es en realidad una acción muy compleja que requiere de una coordinación extremadamente precisa con la respiración, ya que estos dos procesos comparten la misma entrada – la faringe. Fallas en la coordinación pueden resultar en atragantamiento o broncoaspiración. La deglución involucra más de veinte músculos de la boca, garganta y esófago que son controlados por diversas áreas corticales del cerebro y por los centros de la deglución en el tallo cerebral. El encéfalo se comunica con los músculos a través de varios nervios craneales.
La deglución consiste en tres fases:
1. La fase oral o bucal: Esta es la parte VOLUNTARIA de la deglución, la comida es humedecida con saliva y es masticada, el bolo alimenticio se forma y la lengua lo empuja hacia la parte posterior de la garganta – la faringe. Este proceso está bajo el control neural de diferentes áreas de la corteza cerebral incluyendo la corteza motora.
2. La fase faríngea empieza con la estimulación de receptores táctiles en la orofaringe por el bolo alimenticio. El reflejo de la deglución es iniciado y está bajo control neuromuscular INVOLUNTARIO. Se toman las siguientes acciones para asegurar el paso de comida o bebida hacia el esófago:
-La lengua bloquea la cavidad oral para prevenir que la comida se devuelva a la boca. -El paladar blando bloquea la entrada a la cavidad nasal. -Las cuerdas vocales se cierran para proteger la vía aérea a los pulmones. La laringe es halada hacia arriba y la epiglotis se rebate hacia atrás CUBRIENDO la entrada hacia la tráquea. Este es el paso más importante ya que la entrada de comida o bebida en los pulmones puede ser potencialmente peligrosa para la vida.
-El esfínter esofágico superior se abre para permitir el paso hacia el esófago.
3. La fase esofágica: El bolo alimenticio es impulsado en el esófago por peristalsis – una onda de contracción muscular que empuja el bolo por delante de esta. La laringe se mueve hacia abajo de nuevo a su posición original.

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