Category Archives: Immunology (allergy)


Induction of Fever, Control of Body Temperature, Hyperthermia, with Animation

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Fever, clinically known as pyrexia, is an abnormal increase in body temperature, usually due to an illness. Commonly thought as an undesirable side effect of diseases, fever is actually an effective way the body uses to fight infections. Patients usually recover faster when they allow fever to run its course rather than suppressing it with fever-reducing medications. This is because a higher temperature slows down the growth of most pathogens, as well as boosts the effectiveness of the body’s immune response. It also increases metabolic rates and thereby accelerating tissue repair.
Normally, the hypothalamus keeps the body’s temperature within a narrow range around 37 degrees Celsius, or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The hypothalamus acts like a thermostat. It receives inputs from heat and cold receptors throughout the body, and activates heating or cooling, accordingly. When the body is too hot, the hypothalamus sends instructions for it to cool down, for example, by producing sweat. On the other hand, when temperature drops, the hypothalamus directs the body to preserve and produce heat, mainly via the release of norepinephrine. Norepinephrine increases heat production in brown adipose tissue and induces vasoconstriction to reduce heat loss. In addition, acetylcholine stimulates the muscles to shiver, converting stored chemical energy into heat.
Fever is part of the inflammatory response. When immune cells detect the presence of a pathogen, for example, upon binding to a component of bacterial cell walls, they produce inflammatory cytokines. Some of these cytokines are fever-inducers, or pyrogenic. Pyrogenic cytokines act within the hypothalamus to induce the synthesis of prostaglandin E2, PGE2, the major fever inducer. PGE2 acts on thermoregulatory neurons of the hypothalamus to raise the body’s temperature set point. In other words, PGE2 tricks the hypothalamus into thinking that the body is cold, while in fact the temperature did not change. In response, the hypothalamus instructs the body to actively produce heat to raise body temperature above normal. Fever-reducing medications, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, work by suppressing PGE2 synthesis.
Once infection is cleared, pyrogens are no longer produced and the hypothalamic thermostat is set back to normal temperature. Cooling mechanisms, such as sweating and vasodilation, are activated to cool the body down.
While fever is usually beneficial and need not be treated, precaution should be taken to prevent body temperature from running too high, which may cause confusion, seizures and irreversible damage to the brain.
Finally, it is important to differentiate between fever and hyperthermia, the latter is often caused by extended exposures to extreme heat, or heat stroke. Unlike fever, the body’s temperature set point in hyperthermia is unchanged and the body does not produce the extra heat; its cooling system is simply exhausted and fails to compensate for the excessive external heating. Hyperthermia is always harmful and must be treated with various cooling methods. Fever-reducing medications have no effect on hyperthermia as pyrogens are not involved.

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Process of Acute Inflammation, Pro- and Anti-inflammatory Factors, with animation

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Inflammation is the body’s protective response against infections or injuries. Inflammation mobilizes defensive cells to the site of injury, limits the spread of pathogens, eliminates them, and initiates tissue repair. Inflammation can occur in any organ, but is most common, and also most easily observable in the skin and underlying tissues. Typical signs include redness, heat, swelling and pain.
Inflammation is an important defense mechanism, but it can be a double-edged sword when things go wrong. An autoimmune disease may result when inflammation targets and destroys the body’s own cells. An acute inflammation that fails to stop after the original insult is cleared, can become chronic and damaging to healthy tissues.
Acute inflammation is initiated when tissue-resident immune cells, such as macrophages, encounter an inflammatory stimulus. This stimulus can be a pathogen, a toxin, or an injured host cell. Binding of the stimulus to its receptor on the immune cell triggers a signaling cascade that activates production of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators.
Inflammatory chemicals dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow and enhancing vessel permeability, allowing plasma fluid and more immune cells to seep through and accumulate in the inflamed tissue. This vasodilation is responsible for clinical signs of inflammation such as redness, heat and swelling.
The infiltration of blood components into the injured tissue occurs in 3 phases. The first phase is the exudation of plasma fluid containing various antimicrobial mediators, platelets and blood clotting factors. These factors can destroy microbes and stop any bleeding that may have occurred.
The second phase is the infiltration of neutrophils – the major phagocytes involved in first-line defense. Once activated by inflammatory mediators, endothelial cells of blood vessels become adhesive, they attach to neutrophils in blood flow, slowing them down, before getting them to squeeze through the vessel wall. Chemical cues guide neutrophils to the battle field, where they engulf bacteria and destroy them with enzymes or toxic peroxides. Neutrophils may also release highly reactive oxygen species in a phenomenon known as oxidative burst, which kills pathogens faster and more efficiently. The pathogen-laden neutrophils then die via apoptosis.
In the third phase arrive monocytes. Monocytes differentiate into macrophages, which then remove pathogens, injured cells and dying neutrophils by phagocytosis. Macrophages that have completed their mission are cleared from the tissue by the lymphatic system. Accumulation of fluid increases pressure on lymphatic capillaries, forcing open their one-way valves, facilitating lymphatic drainage. Lymph containing debris-laden macrophages passes through a number of lymph nodes and is filtered clean before it returns to the bloodstream.
Once the site is cleared from the original insult, immune cells stop producing pro-inflammatory chemicals and, instead, start producing anti-inflammatory mediators, which actively drive the termination of inflammation. Many of these anti-inflammatory molecules are lipids, some of which are synthesized from dietary omega-3 fatty acids. This step is essential in ensuring the favorable outcome of inflammation. Failure to resolve inflammation leads to development of chronic inflammation which continuously deals damage to healthy tissues. Chronic inflammation is a known contributing factor to pathogenesis of a wide variety of conditions including cardiovascular diseases, asthma, diabetes, arthritis, and even cancer.

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Overview of the immune system, with animation.

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The immune system is the body’s defense system. It protects the body from disease-causing organisms, called pathogens. The protection has several layers.
First, invading pathogens meet with a number of surface barriers, which consist of physical, chemical, and biological obstacles designed to keep them out. The primary physical barrier is the skin, which covers the entire body. Body systems that are open to outside environment, such as the respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive system, each have their own mechanisms to prevent entrance of microbes: mucous membranes trap them, sneezing or coughing reflex expels them, while urine mechanically flushes them out.
Chemical barriers include stomach acid and various antimicrobial substances in sweat, saliva, tears and other body fluids.
The skin and mucous membranes are also heavily inhabited by the body’s normal flora, which competes with pathogens for nutrition and space, providing biological barriers.
If an organism manages to get past the surface barriers, for example, via a splinter that pierces through the skin, it will meet with the innate component of the immune system, which mounts an immediate, but non-specific response. If this fails to contain the infection, another layer of defense, called the adaptive, or acquired, immune response comes into play. The adaptive response takes longer to be activated, but is more effective as it specifically targets the invading pathogen. It also leaves the body with a “memory” of the pathogen, so it can react faster the next time the same pathogen attacks.
The major players of the immune system are the white blood cells, or leukocytes. All leukocytes derive from hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow. Each of them has different roles in the immune response.
The first response of the innate immune system is inflammation. Resident macrophages, which constantly patrol body tissues, ingest the pathogen and release inflammatory chemicals, called cytokines, which attract other immune cells to the site of injury. Basophils, eosinophils and mast cells release their own cytokines, amplifying inflammation. Cytokines dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow and are responsible for clinical signs of inflammation such as redness and swelling. They act on endothelial cells of blood vessels and serve as chemical cues for migration of neutrophils – the major phagocytes involved in first-line defense. Activated endothelial cells attach to neutrophils in the flow, slowing them down, before getting them to squeeze through the vessel wall. Neutrophils engulf bacteria and destroy them with enzymes or toxic peroxides. They may also release highly reactive oxygen species in a phenomenon known as oxidative burst, which kills pathogens faster and more efficiently. The neutrophils themselves, however, also die in the process, their debris forming pus on the injury site.
The adaptive immune response starts with the so-called “antigen-presenting cells”, of which dendritic cells are most effective. Resident dendritic cells on the site of infection swallow up pathogens, cut them into pieces, called antigens, and display them on their surface. These dendritic cells are then picked up by lymphatic capillaries and travel to lymph nodes, where they present the antigens to a matching T-cell. The pathogen itself may also travel to a lymph node where it may encounter a matching B-cell. The match-finding process underlies the specificity of adaptive immune response. T-cells and B-cells exist in billions of variations, each carries a unique surface protein, which acts like a key. Among these billions of keys, only the ones that can bind to, or unlock, the invading pathogen, are activated. Activated T-cells and B-cells undergo differentiation and proliferation, called clonal expansion. This process produces memory cells, ready for future infections by the same pathogen; and effector cells, which include activated cytotoxic T-cells and plasma B cells producing antibodies; both of these are specific to the pathogen. Antibodies and cytotoxic T-cells then leave the lymph node for the bloodstream to be delivered to the site of infection. Antibodies attach to pathogens and either target them for destruction or neutralize them. Cytotoxic T-cells release toxins to kill infected host cells.

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The Lymphatic System – Circulatory and Immune Functions, with Animation

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In a nutshell, the lymphatic system is a drainage system that removes excess fluid from body tissues and returns it to the bloodstream. It is actually a subsystem of both the circulatory and immune system.
The major purpose of the circulatory system is to bring oxygen and nutrients to body tissues and remove wastes. This exchange happens in the smallest blood vessels called the capillaries. Blood plasma containing nutrients moves out of capillaries at the arterial end of capillary beds, while tissue fluid containing wastes reabsorbs back in at the venous end. However, not all of the fluid is drawn back to the bloodstream at this point. About 15% of it is left in the tissues and would cause swelling if accumulated. This is where the lymphatic system comes into play, it picks up the excess fluid and returns it to the circulatory system.
Unlike the blood circulatory system, which is a closed loop, the lymphatic system is a one-direction, open-ended network of vessels. Lymphatic vessels begin as lymphatic capillaries made of overlapping endothelial cells. The overlapping flaps function as a one-way valve. When fluid accumulates in the tissue, interstitial pressure increases pushing the flaps inward, opening the gaps between cells, allowing fluid to flow in. As pressure inside the capillary increases, the endothelial cells are pressed outward, closing the gaps, thus preventing backflow. Unlike blood capillaries, the gaps in lymphatic capillaries are so large that they allow bacteria, immune cells such as macrophages, and other large particles to enter. This makes the lymphatic system a useful way for large particles to reach the bloodstream. It is used, for example, for dietary fat absorption in the intestine.
Once inside lymphatic vessels, the recovered fluid is called lymph. Lymph flow is enabled by the same forces that facilitate blood flow in the veins. It goes from lymphatic capillaries to larger and larger lymphatic vessels and eventually drains into the bloodstream via the subclavian veins. On the way, it passes through a number of lymph nodes, which serve as filters, cleansing the fluid before it reaches the bloodstream.
Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped structures scattered throughout the lymphatic network. They are most prominent in the areas where the vessels converge. Lymph nodes contain macrophages and dendritic cells that directly “swallow up” any pathogens, such as bacteria or viruses, that may have been taken up from an infected tissue. They also contain lymphocytes: T-cells and B-cells, which are involved in adaptive immune response, a process that produces activated lymphocytes and antibodies specific to the invading pathogen. These are then carried by the lymph to the bloodstream to be distributed wherever they are needed.
The lymphatic system also includes lymphoid organs. Primary lymphoid organs – the thymus and bone marrow, are the sites of lymphocyte production, maturation and selection. Selection is the process in which lymphocytes learn to distinguish between self and non-self, so they can recognize and destroy pathogens without attacking the body’s own cells. Mature lymphocytes then leave the primary for the secondary lymphoid organs – the lymph nodes, spleen, and lymphoid nodules – where they encounter pathogens and become activated.

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Psoriasis, Types, Symptoms, Causes, Pathology, Complication and Treatment, with Animation

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Psoriasis is a very common inflammatory skin condition affecting about 3% of the world population. It is a CHRONIC disease that evolves in the form of RECURRENT inflammatory flare-ups followed by periods of partial or complete remission. Psoriasis can begin at any age but often develops in young adulthood. The disease may LOOK contagious, but it is NOT.
The most common type, known as PLAQUE psoriasis, is characterized by the presence of red, raised, itchy and SCALY patches of skin. The plaques usually appear on the scalp, in front of the knees and behind the elbows.
Less common types include:
Guttate psoriasis: lesions occur in the form of SMALL numerous spots over a large area of the body. This type primarily affects children and young adults.
Inverse psoriasis: SMOOTH patches of inflamed skin that worsen with friction and sweating. These are usually found in between skin FOLDS.
Pustular psoriasis: an uncommon form with pus-filled, NON-infectious blisters.
Erythrodermic: a rare but SEVERE, potentially life-threatening form, with WIDEspread lesions all over the body.
Psoriasis has a strong GENETIC component, with multiple genes linked to the SUSCEPTIBILITY to the disease. Most of the identified genes are involved in the immune system, notably inflammatory pathways. In some families, psoriasis is an autosomal DOMINANT trait. Flare-ups can be trigged by a variety of factors, including infections, traumatic injuries, stress, smoking, alcohol use and certain medications. The FIRST lesion usually appears after an upper respiratory tract infection. The exact mechanism is not fully understood but likely to involve an OVERreaction of the body’s inflammatory response. Inflammation DILATES blood vessels, releasing chemicals, resulting in redness and itchiness. Large numbers of activated T-cells infiltrate the epidermis and INDUCE proliferation of skin cells. The cells divide and move up QUICKLY, in the matter of DAYS instead of weeks. This causes cells to build up rapidly on the surface of the skin and form SCALY patches.
Common complications include eye diseases, known as OCULAR psoriasis; and chronic joint inflammation in the fingers and toes, known as psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis also associates with higher risks of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, low self-esteem and depression.
Most people with MILD to moderate psoriasis can be treated effectively with TOPICAL agents. These creams and ointments have several effects: anti-inflammatory, slowing down skin cell growth, and reducing scaling and itching.
Severe psoriasis may benefit from additional treatment such as phototherapy – the use of natural or artificial UV light to SLOW skin cell proliferation and REDUCE inflammation. The exposure time should be controlled to avoid UNwanted skin damage and cancers.
SYSTEMIC treatment is considered when other methods fail. This type of treatment involves ORAL administration or INJECTION of drugs that REDUCE cell growth or SUPPRESS the immune system.

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Blood Types, Blood Group Systems and Transfusion Rule, with Animation

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A blood type refers to the PRESENCE or ABSENCE of a certain marker, or ANTIGEN, on the surface of a person’s red blood cells. For example, in the ABO system, presence of A or B antigen gives type A or B, presence of both antigens gives type AB, while their ABSENCE gives type O.
Blood typing is critical for blood transfusion, as there are very SPECIFIC ways in which blood types must be MATCHED between the donor and recipient for a safe transfusion. The rule is simple: patients should NOT be given antigens that their own blood does NOT have. This is because the recipient’s immune system may recognize any “NEW” antigen as “FOREIGN” and develop antibodies to target it for destruction. Depending on the scale of the triggered immune response, the reaction can be serious or fatal.
Applying the rule, a type A patient, who is NEGATIVE for B antigen, can only receive blood from type A and type O donors, whose blood does NOT contain B antigen. A type AB patient, having both antigens, can receive blood from anyone, while a type O person, being NEGATIVE for both A and B, can only receive from type O donors, but can give blood to anyone.
Another important system is the Rh system, for which, D antigen, or Rh factor, is best known. The blood type for this antigen can be either Rh-positive or Rh-negative. By the same rule, a Rh-negative patient canNOT receive blood from a Rh-positive donor, while the reverse direction is fine.
Each of the 4 types of the ABO system can be Rh-positive or negative. This gives 8 possible combinations – the 8 basic blood types everyone knows about.
But ABO and Rh are only a FRACTION of the 35 currently known blood group systems, many of which can cause serious reactions during transfusion if mismatched. Altogether there are HUNDREDS of antigens, giving rise to a gigantic number of possible blood types. A fully specified blood type should describe the COMPLETE SET of antigens that a person has. In theory, this list must be determined for both donor and recipient before a transfusion can take place. In reality, however, most people only need to care about their ABO type and Rh factor.
The ABO and Rh systems are the most important in blood transfusion for 2 reasons. First, most people can produce ROBUST antibodies against A, B and D antigens, which may NOT be the case for other antigens. In fact, anti-A and anti-B antibodies are usually developed during the first year of life. Second, the 8 basic blood types are distributed in comparable proportions that make mismatching a likely event. Most other antigens occur at such frequencies that ONLY a VERY SMALL subset of patients is potentially at risk. For example, if 99.99% of a population is positive for a certain antigen and only 0.01% is negative, only that tiny fraction of negative patients is at risk regarding that antigen. To account for possible INcompatibility OUTSIDE ABO and Rh, an ADDITIONAL test is usually made before transfusion. A blood sample from the patient is mixed with a sample of donor blood and the mixture is examined for CLUMPS. No clumping means a compatible match.

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HIV and AIDS infection stages, HIV life cycle, Transmission, Diagnosis and Treatment, with Animation

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HIV, for human immunodeficiency virus, is a virus that attacks the immune system, weakening the body’s ability to fight infections. Progressive destruction of the immune system eventually leads to its failures, a state known as “acquired immunodeficiency syndrome”, or AIDS, when the body is INcapable of defending itself from common infections.

HIV targets a specific group of cells called CD4+ cells. CD4 is a receptor expressed on the surface of many immune cells, including T helper cells, macrophages and dendritic cells, where it is essential for cell communication and hence normal function of the immune system. HIV hijacks this receptor to gain access to the cells. Apart from CD4 receptor, another factor, called a co-receptor, is also required for HIV entry and infection. Several co-receptors have been identified in different cell types, with CXCR4 and CCR5 being the most common. CXCR4 is expressed on many T-cells, but usually not on macrophages, and is used by T-tropic strains of HIV. CCR5 is expressed on macrophages, some T-cells, and is used by M-tropic strains. Some HIV strains use CCR5 to infect initially but evolve to use CXCR4 later during disease progression. Viruses that can use both co-receptors are call dual-tropic. Some people are born with a deletion in CCR5 and are substantially RESISTANT to HIV infection.

HIV life cycle starts with attachment of a HIV envelope protein, gp120, to CD4 receptor and co-receptor, followed by fusion of HIV with host cell. The virus then injects its content, HIV RNA and several enzymes, into the cell. One of these enzymes, known as “reverse transcriptase”, is used to convert HIV RNA into DNA, an important step that would allow the virus to integrate into host cell DNA. Once in the nucleus, HIV enzyme INTEGRASE inserts the viral DNA into the host DNA. At this point the virus may adopt either LATENT or ACTIVE infection.

In active infection, HIV uses the host machinery to produce multiple copies of its RNA and proteins, which are then assembled into new virus particles, ready to infect more CD4 cells.

In latent infection, the virus remains integrated in host DNA, and may lie dormant for years, forming a latent HIV reservoir, which can REactivate and infect again at a later time.

HIV is transmitted through infected body fluids, most commonly via sexual contacts, shared contaminated needles, and mother to child during childbirth or through breastfeeding. It is not transmitted through air or casual contacts.

Diagnosis is by detection of viral protein, RNA, proviral DNA , or antibody produced against HIV.

There are three stages of HIV infection:

The ACUTE stage generally develops within a couple of weeks after a person is infected with HIV. During this time, patients may experience flu-like symptoms. HIV multiplies RAPIDLY resulting in HIGH viral load in the blood and INcreased risks of transmission.

The CHRONIC stage, also called clinical latency, is usually Asymptomatic. HIV continues to multiply but at much SLOWER speeds. Patients may not have any symptoms, but they can still spread HIV to others. Without treatment, the disease usually progresses to AIDS within 2 to 10 years.

AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection. As the immune system is failing, the body can’t fight off common diseases, and opportunistic infections take hold. AIDS is diagnosed when CD4 cell count is LOWER than 200 per microliter, or if certain opportunistic infections are present.

There is currently no cure but treatment with anti-retroviral therapy can SLOW DOWN progression to AIDS and reduce transmission risks. Anti-retroviral drugs are classified based on their ability to interfere with certain stage of HIV life cycle. Accordingly, there are: entry and fusion inhibitors, reverse transcriptase inhibitors, integrase inhibitors, and protease inhibitors. These drugs, however, can NOT reach the LATENT virus, which hides out safely in healthy T-cells but may reactivate and infect again. This is the major reason why HIV infection is not curable with current available treatments.


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Paranasal sinuses and sinus conditions

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Paranasal sinuses, or simply “sinuses” in common language,  are air cavities in the bones of the skull. There are four pairs of sinuses (see Fig. 1, 2 and upper panel of Fig. 3):

– the maxillary sinuses are under the eyes, in the maxillary bones.
– the frontal sinuses are above the eyes, in the frontal bone.
– the ethmoid sinuses are between the nose and the eyes, in the ethmoid bone.
– the sphenoid sinuses are behind the nasal cavity, in the sphenoid bones.

Fig.1: The four pairs of sinuses. Red = frontal, green =  ethmoid, blue = sphenoid, beige =  maxillary. The right panel show normal sinuses on half of the head and inflamed sinuses on the other half. Click on image to see a larger version on Alila Medical Media website where the image is also available for licensing.


The sinuses are lined with respiratory epithelium producing mucus. The mucus drains into nasal cavity through small openings (Fig. 2 left panel, Fig. 3 upper panel). Impaired sinus drainage has been associated with inflammation of sinuses (sinusitis, see below).
Biological function of the sinuses remains unclear.

Nose anatomy labeled. .
Fig. 2: Front view of the sinuses (left panel) showing connections to the nasal cavity. Right panel shows mid-sagittal section of the head. Click on image to see a larger version on Alila Medical Media website where the image is also available for licensing.



Sinusitis or rhinosinusitis is inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (Fig. 1, right panel). This can be due to:
– allergy (allergic rhinitis): allergens such as pollen, pet dander,.. trigger overreaction of the mucosa of the nose and sinuses resulting in excess mucus, nasal congestion, sneezing and itching.
– infection: usually as a complication of an earlier viral infection of the nasal mucosa, pharynx or tonsils such as during a common cold. Impaired sinus drainage due to inflammation of nasal mucosa during a cold often leads to infection of the sinus itself. Cold-like symptoms plus headache and facial pain/pressure are common complaints.
– other conditions that cause blockage of sinus drainage: structural abnormality such as deviated nasal septum (Fig. 3); formation of nasal polyps (Fig. 4). When a sinus is blocked, fluid builds up making it a favorable environment for bacteria, viruses or fungi to grow and cause infection.
Deviated nasal septum
Fig. 3: Front view of the sinuses (upper panel) showing connections to the nasal cavity, also shown the nasal septum (light blue color). Lower panel shows deviated septum blocking drainage of the right maxillary sinus (your left). Click on image to see a larger version on Alila Medical Media website where the image is also available for licensing.





Nasal polyps

Fig. 4: Nasal polyps – overgrowths of nasal mucosa – block sinus drainage. Click on image to see a larger version on Alila Medical Media website where the image is also available for licensing.




Treatment depends on the cause of sinusitis:
– For viral infection : symptom relief medications such as nasal spray for irrigation and decongestion; other conservative treatment for common cold such as rest and drinking plenty of fluid.
– For bacterial infection: antibiotics may be prescribed.
– For allergy: intranasal corticosteroids are commonly used.
– For recurrent (chronic) sinusitis due to structural abnormalities or nasal polyps, nasal surgery may be recommended.

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Asthma (with Animation Video)

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Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition where the airway is inflamed and narrowed causing breathlessness, wheezing, chest tightness and coughing. Symptoms come as recurrent episodes called asthmatic attacks more commonly during the night and early morning. Asthma is usually diagnosed in childhood and lasts for life.

Anatomy of asthma

Our lungs consist of millions of air tubes or airways (bronchi and smaller bronchioles) bringing air in and out of the body. Each tube ends with a cluster of air sacs (alveolus, plural alveoli) where the gas exchange process takes place. The airways have a layer of smooth muscle in their wall which enables them to constrict or dilate. In response to the body’s higher demand of air, such as during exercise, the airways dilate to increase air flow. In response to presence of pollutants in the air, they constrict to prevent the lungs from being polluted. In people suffering from asthma these airways are inflamed, narrowed and become more sensitive to certain substances. Asthmatic attack (or exacerbation) happens when the airways react to these substances. During the attack smooth muscle contracts squeezing the airways making them even narrower, mucus secretion increases further obstructs the airways.

Causes of asthma

Causes of asthma are complex and not fully understood but likely involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Family history is a known risk factor for asthma. There are at least over twenty genes associated with asthma of which many are involved in the immune system. Most people who have asthma also have allergies. Many environmental factors such as air pollution, chemicals, smoking, allergens have been associated with development of asthma or triggering of asthmatic attacks.

Triggers of asthmatic attack

Triggers are factors that initiate the attack, these can be very different from person to person. Common triggers include :
– allergens (pollen, animal fur, pet dander, sulfites in preserved food..)
– irritants (cigarette smoke, industrial chemicals, dust, household chemicals,..)
– some medication (aspirin, beta blockers,..).
– physical activity, exercise.


There is no cure for asthma. The most effective way to manage symptoms is to identify the triggers of asthmatic attack and avoid them.
There are two main classes of medication:
– bronchodilators – substances that dilate bronchi and bronchioles – are used as short-term relief of symptoms.
– inflammation moderators such as corticosteroids are used as long-term treatment.
Asthma inhalers are used to deliver medication to the lungs.

Associated conditions

A number of conditions tend to occur more frequently in people with asthma:
– Allergies :  eczema and hay fever. These individuals are considered hyperallergic (high tendency to develop allergic reactions). The combination of these conditions is called atopy or atopic symdrome.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): a condition in which stomach acid backs up and damages the mucosal lining of the esophagus. GERD may worsen asthma symptoms and medications for asthma often worsen GERD symptoms. Treating GERD usually improves asthma and must be included in asthma treatment plan.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): asthmatic patients tend to develop OSA. The mechanism is not fully understood but it’s likely due to nasal obstruction. Click on the link to read more about OSA.
Sinusitis: inflammation of paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis commonly worsens asthma symptoms and makes treatment less effective.

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