Category Archives: Neurology (brain, spinal cord and nerves)

Synesthesia Explained with Animation

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Synesthesia is a phenomenon in which stimulation of a certain sensation leads to a simultaneous activation of another unrelated sensory pathway. For example, some synesthetes see colors when they hear sounds, while others can taste distinct flavors when they hear unrelated words. Remarkably, this involves not only the five senses, but also cognitive and mental experiences such as pattern recognition, spatial orientation or even emotions. Some forms of synesthesia involve more than two senses or experiences at a time.
In theory, there can be as many types of synesthesia as there are possible combinations of sensory or perceptual experiences, but some forms are much more common than others. These include: grapheme-to-color synesthesia, where individual letters and numbers are seen with a specific color; sound-to-color, or chromesthesia, where sounds produce colors; and spatial sequence synesthesia where elements of a sequence, such as days in a week, are assigned a specific location in a 3D arrangement around the person. It’s not uncommon for a person to experience more than one form.
Once thought to be rare, synesthesia is now estimated to be very common. The numbers are far from accurate, however, perhaps because most synesthetes have their experiences since a very young age and do not realize that anything is “unusual” until much later in life, at which point many tend to keep it a secret for fear of being different or diagnosed with mental illness. With today’s better understanding of the phenomenon, synesthetes are more likely to come forward sharing their experience. Despite being referred to as a neurological condition by some neurologists, synesthesia is not a disease; it is not associated with cognitive or mental disabilities. In fact synesthetes generally perform better in memory tests than an average person and tend to be more creative. They have built-in capabilities that are to their advantage: seeing colors when hearing musical notes can help achieve perfect pitch; automatically arranging items in space aids with memory; and having numbers color-coded can help quickly spot differences and patterns. Most synesthetes perceive their experiences as a gift rather than a handicap. Many tend to have inclination for creative, artistic professions.
A “true” synesthetic experience is automatic, involuntary and consistent over time. These experiences are the only way a synesthete perceives the world: a sound, or a letter, always gives the same color, every time without fail; and if they hear a new sound they never heard before, or see a new character they never seen before, a color will be automatically assigned to it.
Some drugs may produce synesthetic-like effects but these are not real synesthetic experience because they do not last.
Genetic make-up seems to have a role in predisposition to synesthesia as it tends to run in family, but family members can have different forms of synesthesia.
Mechanism of synesthesia is still poorly understood, but there is evidence that the cross-talk between various sensory pathways accounts for the experience. For example, with the help of brain imaging techniques, the brain V4 region responsible for color recognition can be seen activated when a sound-to-color synesthete is presented with auditory stimuli. Synesthetes also seem to have more grey matter in the implicated brain areas, as well as more white matter connecting them.
There is a theory that we are all born synesthetic, with all the connections between senses, but lose them, together with synesthetic ability, as our brain matures, while synesthetes retain it. This may explains why most people still have some degree of synesthesia as adults.

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Water and Sodium Balance, Hyper- and Hyponatremia

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A human body contains 50 to 70% water, of which about 2 thirds is located inside the cells, the other one third is in the extracellular fluid and blood plasma. Water can move freely between different compartments in the body, but its direction is determined by which compartment has more solutes, or higher osmolality. As a rule, water moves from the more diluted solution to the more concentrated solution – from lower to higher osmolality.
Sodium, being the major extracellular solute, is the principal determinant of plasma osmolality and the most important regulator of fluid balance. A normal blood sodium level is kept between 135 and 145 mmol/L. Hyponatremia occurs when blood sodium falls below 135, while hypernatremia is when it exceeds 145.
Clinical manifestations of sodium disorders reflect disturbances in water movement in the most sensitive organ of the body – the brain. In hypernatremia, high blood sodium levels draw water out of the brain cells, causing dehydration and shrinkage. Whereas in hyponatremia, low concentrations of plasma sodium drive water into brain cells, making them swell, causing edema. Both situations produce neurologic symptoms, which can range from headache, confusion, to seizures, coma or even death.
Hypernatremia most often occurs because of inadequate water intake, or excessive water loss or excretion. Water intake is regulated by thirst. When a decreased body fluid volume or an increased plasma osmolality is detected, the brain perceives it as thirst and produces water-seeking behavior. Impaired thirst mechanism is a common cause of hypernatremia in the elderly.
The body loses water primarily by excreting it in urine. Water excretion by the kidneys is mainly regulated by vasopressin, a hypothalamic hormone that causes the kidneys to retain water in response to low blood volume or high plasma osmolality. Impaired vasopressin release, renal dysfunction, and use of certain diuretics, are common causes of excessive water loss through the kidneys.
Fluid loss through the digestive tract is normally negligible, but can be substantial in vomiting or diarrhea. Sweat loss though skin can be significant in extreme heat or during excessive exercise.
Chronic hypernatremia is treated with oral hypotonic fluids, while acute or severe hypernatremia may require intravenous administration along with constant monitoring to avoid overcorrection. The underlying cause must also be addressed.
For hyponatremia, treatment depends on the body fluid volume:
– In low volume, or hypovolemic hyponatremia, both sodium and water levels decrease, but sodium loss is relatively greater. This commonly occurs due to loss of sodium-containing fluids, as in vomiting and diarrhea, especially when loses are replaced with plain water. This type is managed by rehydration with isotonic fluids.
– In high volume, or hypervolemic hyponatremia, both sodium and water levels increase, with a relatively greater increase in body water. This often results from fluid retention in conditions such as heart failure, liver cirrhosis, or kidney failure; and is usually treated with diuresis.
– In normal volume, or euvolemic hyponatremia, sodium level is normal, but there is an increase in total body water. This can be caused by excessive water intake combined with renal insufficiency, or syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion, which causes the kidneys to retain more water. This type is managed by restricting free water intake and addressing the underlying cause.
Premenopausal women are more susceptible to acute hyponatremia with severe brain edema, perhaps because female hormones increase vasopressin level, and inhibit the brain sodium-potassium pump, which pumps sodium out of the cell and helps maintain normal brain volume.
Acute or symptomatic hyponatremia is an emergency and should be treated with intravenous hypertonic sodium chloride, but sodium levels must be closely monitored to avoid overly rapid correction.

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Synaptic Pruning Explained, with Animation

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Synaptic pruning is the process of synapse removal that takes place naturally, as part of brain maturation. A human brain starts its development in early embryonic stage and reaches the maximum number of synaptic connections sometime in early childhood, at which point it is about double of what is normally present in an adult brain. This is when the elimination of excess neuronal synapses, known as synaptic pruning, begins. The process removes roughly half of all synapses, and occurs mainly during adolescence, but may continue well into young adulthood. By getting rid of unnecessary connections, synaptic pruning helps to refine neural circuits and increase network efficiency.

Computational models suggest that learning performance is optimal when synaptic connections are first over-generated and then pruned. An analogy is the task of writing an essay: the easiest way is to put all possible ideas into a longer-than-needed first draft, then trim it to keep only the essential points to create an effective final message.

Synaptic pruning is activity-driven, and follows the “use it or lose it” rule – synapses that are rarely used are eliminated, while frequently used synapses are protected from removal.  In fact, it has been shown that activation of the glutamate receptor NMDA, a marker associated with long-term memory retention and learning, is the major protective factor for a synapse. Thus, active synapses are selectively stabilized, while superfluous synapses are eliminated.

While the mechanism underlying synaptic pruning is, in most part, still a mystery, recent studies have implicated the brain’s supportive cells, known as glial cells, or glia. Specifically, two types of glia – astrocytes and microglia – are responsible for identifying and removing unnecessary neural connections. A number of signaling molecules are involved in control of glial cell movement, target recognition and ingestion.

Given the important role of synaptic pruning in sculpturing and refining the brain’s neural circuits, it is plausible that aberrant synaptic pruning is associated with a number of neurological disorders such as schizophrenia, autism and epilepsy. Too much pruning results in shortage of connections and is thought to underlie schizophrenia. The first occurrence of schizophrenia symptoms, typically in late adolescence or early adulthood, coincides with the time when synaptic pruning is most prominent.

Too little pruning, on the other hand, leaves the brain with too many redundant connections, which can be confusing, inefficient and may limit learning potential. Excessive synapses are observed in autism spectrum disorders, and epilepsy.

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Effects of Exercise on the Brain, with Animation

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Apart from body fitness, physical exercise also has beneficial effects on the brain. A regular routine of aerobic exercise can improve memory, thinking skills, moods; and have protective effects against aging, injuries and neurodegenerative disorders.

It is noteworthy that these effects are specific to “aerobic” exercise – the kind of exercise that accelerates heart rate and respiratory rate, such as running, cycling, swimming… Non-aerobic activities, such as stretching or muscle building, do not have the same effect. The effects appear to result from increased blood flow to the brain and subsequent increase in energy metabolism. A certain degree of intensity is required to achieve the beneficial outcome.

Aerobic exercise increases the production of several growth factors of the nervous tissue, known as neurotrophic factors, among which BDNF, for Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, has a central role. BDNF exerts a protective effect on existing neurons, and stimulates formation of new neurons from neural stem cells in a process called neurogenesis.

BDNF appears to coordinate its action with at least 2 other growth factors: insulin-like growth factor 1, IGF-1, and vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF, whose expression levels also increase following aerobic exercise. BDNF interacts with IGF-1 to induce neurogenesis, while VEGF stimulates growth of new blood vessels, a process known as angiogenesis. Together these processes improve survival of existing neurons, produce new brain tissue, and constitute the brain’s enhanced plasticity that underlies the exercise-induced protective effect against aging, degenerative diseases and injuries.

Changes in BDNF levels are observed throughout the brain but are most remarkable in the hippocampus, the area that is responsible for memory retention and learning. In fact, regular exercise has been shown to increase the size of the hippocampus and improve cognitive functions.

While acute exercise, defined as a single workout, can produce significant changes in BDNF levels and subsequent improvements in learning performance; a regular exercise program progressively increases BDNF baseline level and make its response steadier overtime. It appears that some cognitive functions are enhanced immediately after a single workout, while others only improve following a consistent exercise routine.

The immediate effect of acute exercise is most remarkable on the body’s affective state. A single bout of exercise can promote positive emotions, suppress negative feelings, reduce the body’s response to stress, and sometimes, after intense exercise, induce a euphoric state known as “runner’s high” sensation. These effects may persist for up to 24 hours, and are thought to result from exercise-induced upregulation of several neurotransmitters involved in mood modulation. These include:

  • Dopamine – a neurotransmitter of the brain reward pathways;
  • Serotonin, commonly known as the substance of well-being andhappiness, whose low levels in the brain have been associated with depressive disorders;
  • Beta-endorphin, or endogenous morphine, an endogenous opioid;
  • and anandamide, an endogenous cannabinoid, a substance related to psychoactivechemicals in marijuana. Endogenous opioids and cannabinoids are involved in pain modulation, stress and anxiety reduction and are believed to underlie the “runner’s high” sensation.
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Neuroplasticity, with animation

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Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change, or rewire, throughout a person’s life. It is the basis of learning and brain repair after injuries.

The brain consists of billions of neurons. Neurons communicate with each other through a space between them, called a synapse. This communication is made possible by chemical messages, or neurotransmitters. Basically, the pre-synaptic neuron releases a neurotransmitter, which binds to, and activates a receptor on the post-synaptic neuron. A typical neuron can have thousands of synapses, or connections, with other neurons. Together, they form extremely complex networks that are responsible for all brain’s functions. Synaptic connections, as well as neurons themselves, can change over time, and this phenomenon is called neural plasticity, or neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is activity-driven and follows the “use it or lose it” rule: frequently used synapses are strengthened, while rarely used connections are weakened or eliminated; new activities generate new connections.

Changes in synaptic strength can be temporary or long-lasting depending on the intensity and reoccurrence of the signal the synapse receives. Neurons can temporarily enhance their connections by releasing more neurotransmitter, activating a new receptor, or modifying an existing receptor. This is the basis of short-term memory. Long-term memory retention requires strong or sustained activities that produce structural changes, such as growth of new dendritic spines and synaptic connections, or even formation of new neurons. Structural neuroplasticity may also result in enlargement of the cortical area associated with the increased activity, and shrinkage of areas that receive less or no activity. For example, in right-handed people, the hand motor region on the left side of the brain, which controls the right hand, is larger than the other side.

Neuroplastic changes can also be functional, meaning neurons may adopt a new function when they are sufficiently stimulated. This is how the brain survives injuries, such as strokes. Healthy brain tissues can take over the functions of the damaged area during post-stroke rehabilitation. Some stimuli, such as stress or physical exercise, can cause certain neurons to switch from one neurotransmitter to another, often converting them from excitatory to inhibitory or vice versa. This neurotransmitter switching is thought to be the basis of behavioral changes induced by such stimuli.

An intriguing example of neural plasticity is the phenomenon of phantom limb sensation, in which patients who have lost a limb through amputation can still feel the limb. For example, patients may feel that their lost arm is being touched when their face is touched.  Because incoming sensory signals from the arms and face project to neighboring regions in the somatosensory cortex, it is plausible that sensory inputs from the face spill over to the now inactive arm region that no longer receives any inputs, tricking the brain’s higher centers into interpreting that the sensation comes from the absent arm.

The plasticity of the brain is not limited by age, but is much more remarkable in children as their young brain is still developing. Neuroplasticity is essential for normal brain development, it helps create functional brain circuits and is the basis of learning. This is why acquiring a new skill, such as speaking a language or playing a musical instrument, is much easier in childhood than in adulthood. But changes brought about by neural plasticity can also be negative/maladaptive and have unfortunate consequences especially if happen in childhood. Childhood traumas are more likely to have long-lasting effects into a person’s life.

Neuroplastic changes happen all the time, but their magnitude depends on the amount of activity the brain receives. More practice leads to more learning. Keeping the brain busy is the way to keep it healthy and effective.

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Concussion: Pathophysiology, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Treatment, with Animation

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Concussion is a MILD traumatic brain injury that affects normal brain functions. It occurs as a result of a forceful blow, either DIRECT or INdirect to the head. An example of an INdirect blow is a whiplash-type injury that causes the brain to SHAKE quickly back and forth inside the skull. In a direct blow, injury may develop on the side of contact with the force, or on the OPPOSITE side of the head. Concussion may be caused by falls, contact sports, motor vehicle accidents, or physical abuse. Brain injury can occur with translational, rotational or angular movements of the head. Rotational and/or angular forces cause the brain to TWIST against the BRAINSTEM – the thin stalk that connects the brain to the spinal cord, and damage the structures within. Because the brainstem controls many VITAL bodily functions, including consciousness, rotational and angular injuries usually result in LOSS of consciousness and are often more serious.
Concussion is a FUNCTIONAL injury, rather than structural. A concussed brain usually looks NORMAL on a brain-imaging test. The damage occurs at a MICROSCOPIC level and generally affects a LARGE area of the brain. The mechanical impact exerted by the blow sends shock waves that diffuse through the brain tissues, STRETCHING and possibly SHEARING membranes of neurons, especially along the long axons that are responsible for transmitting signals from one neuron to another. The events that take place during and after concussion are complex and not fully understood, but likely to involve IONIC IMbalances and ENERGY CRISIS due to REDUCED blood flow. Ionic disturbances, such as ABnormal potassium EFflux and calcium INflux, INTERFERE with action potential dynamics, DISRUPTING normal communication between neurons. Reduced blood supply IMPAIRS cellular functions and makes the brain MORE vulnerable to further damage.
Children and teens are at GREATER risks for brain injury because their brain is STILL DEVELOPING and therefore more susceptible to insults. Axons in young brains are not FULLY myelinated, EASIER to get damaged and take LONGER to recover. Brain development may also STOP for some time after sustaining a concussion.
Signs and symptoms of concussion can be SUBTLE and may NOT appear immediately. It is common for the first signs to show up after 20 minutes to hours from the time of impact. COMMON symptoms include headache, drowsiness, dizziness, sensitivity to light, loss of memory, difficulty concentrating and feeling slowed down. Patients should be observed for at least 48h for worsening signs such as loss of consciousness, INcreasing headache, REPEATED vomiting, slurred speech, confusion, unusual behaviors, seizures, and limb weakness or numbness. Any of these would require emergency care.
Concussion usually revolves on its own, with PROPER physical and cognitive REST. The majority of people fully recover after a couple of weeks but some may take longer. During recovery the brain is MUCH more vulnerable to further insults and any activities that may potentially cause another impact SHOULD be avoided. A REPEATED injury while the brain is recovering may exacerbate symptoms, result in PERMANENT brain damage, and can be fatal.

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Dementia, with animation

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Causes of progressive dementias: Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia and frontotemporal dementia. Also includes less common causes and reversible dementias.
Dementia is a general term for a DECLINE in memory and other cognitive abilities. It is NOT a disease on its own but rather a group of symptoms caused by an UNDERLYING condition. Most dementias WORSEN over time and are irreversible, but some types can be reversed with treatment. While the incidence of dementia increases with age, it is NOT a normal part of aging.
The most common cause of dementia, responsible for more than 50% of all cases, is Alzheimer’s disease. In this condition, abnormal toxic deposits of proteins, known as PLAQUES and TANGLES, cause the death of neurons. The damage initially takes place in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that is essential in forming memories. Short-term memory loss is usually one of the earliest symptoms. Most patients show first signs of mental decline after the age of 65, but for a small subset of cases, the disease runs in FAMILIES and strikes EARLIER in life.
Second to Alzheimer’s is VASCULAR dementia, a condition in which POOR blood supply to the brain IMPAIRES normal function of neurons. Symptoms may appear SUDDENLY after a stroke; in a STEP-wise fashion after a series of mini-strokes; or GRADUALLY as a result of age-related vascular wear-and-tear, or any conditions that DAMAGE or NARROW blood vessels over time, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Incidence of vascular dementia increases with age and cardiovascular risk factors.
In the third place is LEWY BODY dementia. Lewy bodies refer to abnormal protein clumps typically found in neurons of these patients. The earliest, and also most PROMINENT feature of this type, is a SLEEP BEHAVIOR disorder in which patients physically, sometimes violently, ACT OUT their dreams. Other early symptoms may include visual hallucinations. Memory loss may NOT be noticeable until LATER stages. Dementia caused by advanced Parkinson’s disease belongs to this group.
FRONTOTEMPORAL dementia is another common type of progressive dementia. This group is characterized by neuronal cell death in the FRONTAL and TEMPORAL lobes of the brain – the areas associated with behaviors and language. Common signs and symptoms include changes in behaviors, apathy, blunting of emotions, and language deficits. A significant portion of this type has a STRONG GENETIC component and tends to occur EARLY, in the MIDDLE-AGE population.
More than one type of the above-mentioned dementias may CO-exist in ONE patient.
Less common causes of dementia include Huntington’s disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and traumatic brain injuries.
Dementia may also develop as a result of endocrine or metabolic problems, such as thyroid disorders and vitamin deficiencies; or infections such as Lyme disease and neurosyphilis. For these types, symptoms can be reversed with treatment of the underlying condition.

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Membrane Transport, with animation

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All animal cells are enclosed in a plasma membrane, which consists of 2 layers of phospholipids. The hydrophobic nature of the cell membrane makes it intrinsically permeable to small NON-polar and uncharged polar molecules, but NON-permeable to large polar molecules and CHARGED particles. Charged particles, such as ions, must use special channels to move through the membrane.
Transport of a molecule can be passive or active. PASSIVE transport does NOT require energy input because it moves the molecules “DOWNHILL”, for example, from HIGHER to LOWER concentration. ACTIVE transport, on the other hand, moves the molecules AGAINST their gradients and therefore requires ENERGY expenditure.
Ion channels permit PASSIVE transport of ions. These are transmembrane proteins that form PORES for ions to pass through. Most ion channels are SPECIFIC for a certain type of ion.
Ion channels can be classified by how they change their OPEN-CLOSED state in RESPONSE to different factors of the environment. Common types of ion channels include:
– LEAK channels: these channels are almost always OPEN allowing more or less steady flow of ions; examples are potassium and sodium leak channels in neurons.
– LIGAND-gated ion channels: these channels OPEN upon BINDING of a LIGAND. They are most commonly found at synapses, where neurons communicate via chemical messages, or neurotransmitters. An example is the GABA receptor, a chloride channel located on POST-synaptic neurons. It OPENS upon binding to GABA, a neurotransmitter released by the PRE-synaptic neuron, and allows chloride ions to flow into the cell.
– VOLTAGE-gated ion channels: these channels are REGULATED by membrane voltage. They OPEN at some values of the membrane potential and CLOSE at others. These are the channels that underlie ACTION POTENTIALS in neurons and cardiac muscles.
ACTIVE transport of ions is carried out by ion transporters, or ion PUMPS. These are transmembrane proteins that PUMP ions AGAINST their concentration gradient using cellular ENERGY, such as ATP. Most notable example is the sodium-potassium pump which maintains the resting potential in neurons by pumping two potassium IN and three sodium OUT of the cell.
Another type of ion transporters, known as SECONDARY transporters, do NOT use ATP directly. Instead, they move ONE ion DOWN its concentration gradient and use THAT ENERGY to POWER the transport of a SECOND ion. Symporters transport the two ions in the same direction, while antiporters pump the coupled molecule in the OPPOSITE direction.

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Membrane Potential, Equilibrium Potential and Resting Potential, with Animation

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Membrane potential, or membrane voltage, refers to the DIFFERENCE of electric charges across a cell membrane. Most cells have a NEGATIVE transmembrane potential. Because membrane potential is defined RELATIVE to the exterior of the cell, the negative sign means the cell has MORE negative charges on the INSIDE.

There are 2 basic rules governing the movement of ions:

– they move from HIGHER to LOWER concentration, just like any other molecules;

– being CHARGE-bearing particles, ions also move AWAY from LIKE charges, and TOWARD OPPOSITE charges.

In the case of the cell membrane, there is a THIRD factor that controls ion movement: the PERMEABILITY of the membrane to different ions. Permeability is achieved by OPENING or CLOSING passageways for specific ions, called ION CHANNELS. Permeability can change when the cell adopts a DIFFERENT physiological state.

Consider this example: 2 solutions of different concentrations of sodium chloride are separated by a membrane. If the membrane is EQUALLY permeable to BOTH sodium and chloride, both ions will diffuse from higher to lower concentration and the 2 solutions will eventually have the same concentration. Note that the electric charges remain the same on both sides and membrane potential is zero.

Now let’s assume that the membrane is permeable ONLY to the positively-charged sodium ions, letting them flow down the concentration gradient, while BLOCKING the negatively-charged chloride ions from crossing to the other side. This would result in one solution becoming INCREASINGLY positive and the other INCREASINGLY negative. Since opposite charges attract and like charges repel, positive sodium ions are now under influence of TWO forces: DIFFUSION force drives them in one direction, while ELECTROSTATIC force drives them in the OPPOSITE direction. The equilibrium is reached when these 2 forces COMPLETELY counteract, at which point the NET movement of sodium is ZERO. Note that there is NOW a DIFFERENCE of electric charge across the membrane; there is ALSO a CONCENTRATION gradient of sodium. The two gradients are driving sodium in OPPOSITE directions with the EXACT SAME force. The voltage established at this point is called the EQUILIBRIUM potential for sodium. It’s the voltage required to MAINTAIN this particular concentration gradient and can be calculated as a function thereof.

A typical RESTING neuron maintains UNequal distributions of different ions across the cell membrane. These gradients are used to calculate their equilibrium potentials.  The positive and negative signs represent the DIRECTION of membrane potential. Because sodium gradient is directed INTO the cell, its equilibrium potential must be POSITIVE to drive sodium OUT. Potassium has the REVERSE concentration gradient, hence NEGATIVE equilibrium potential. Chloride has the same INWARD concentration direction as sodium, but because it’s a negative charge, it requires a NEGATIVE environment inside the cell to push it OUT.

The resting membrane potential of a neuron is about -70mV. Notice that ONLY chloride has the equilibrium potential near this value. This means chloride is IN equilibrium in resting neurons, while sodium and potassium are NOT. This is because there is an ACTIVE transport to keep sodium and potassium OUT of equilibrium. This is carried out by the sodium-potassium PUMP which constantly brings potassium IN and pumps sodium OUT of the cell. The resulting resting potential, while costly to maintain, is essential to generation of action potentials when the cell is stimulated.

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Vascular Dementia Pathology, with Animation

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Vascular dementia (also known as Vascular Cognitive Impairment) refers to a group of conditions in which IMPAIRED blood supply to the brain causes neuronal DYSfunction, leading to loss of memory and other cognitive abilities. It is the second most common type of dementia, after Alzheimer’s – a neurodegenerative disease.
Vascular dementia may develop following a stroke, or a series of mini-strokes. A stroke can be ischemic or hemorrhagic. An ischemic stroke happens when a blood clot BLOCKS an artery, interrupting blood flow. Blood clots may form locally, on top of cholesterol plaques as these rupture; or, travel to the brain from the heart, in a condition known as atrial fibrillation, where the heart does not pump properly, blood stagnates and coagulates. Hemorrhagic stroke, on the other hand, occurs when an artery leaks or ruptures. This can result from high blood pressures, overuse of blood-thinners/anticoagulant drugs, or abnormal formations of blood vessels such as aneurysms. As a hemorrhage takes place, brain tissues located BEYOND the site of bleeding are deprived of blood supply. Bleeding also induces contraction of blood vessels, narrowing them and thus further limiting blood flow.
Dementia symptoms may appear SUDDENLY following a SINGLE LARGE stroke, or develop in a STEPWISE fashion as a result of multiple, sometimes unnoticeable, small strokes. Symptoms VARY from person to person depending on the part of the brain that is affected, and may include: problems with memory or thinking skills, confusion, mood changes, speech disorders, impaired balance and movement. The way the symptoms appear can be used to differentiate stroke-related dementia from Alzheimer’s disease, which usually develops GRADUALLY, with specific symptoms appearing in a largely typical order.
But vascular dementia may also progress silently in a CONTINUOUS manner, as a result of age-related vascular wear-and-tear, or any conditions that DAMAGE or NARROW blood vessels over time, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and amyloid deposit. These factors often affect SMALLER blood vessels deep inside the white matter of the brain, causing small blockages and microbleeds that often go unnoticed to the patients. This is known as “cerebral small vessel disease” and is the most common cause of vascular dementia in older adults.
Another cause of vascular dementia is HYPOperfusion of the entire brain. This may result from heart failures, hypotension, or carotid artery occlusion.
There is no cure for vascular dementia but prevention by controlling vascular risk factors, such as high blood pressures, can be effective. Life style changes such as healthy diets, quitting smoking, and physical exercise have been proven to be beneficial. Treatment is by managing the underlying conditions.

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